Antipode, Rennes
was hesitated to put the last sentence of the interview in title "People do not go on stage because they are afraid of me" because Angus Andrew, Liars singer, is still serious pinball. A few seconds after saluting, this freak of nature we asked if there was not a weed plan for the evening. Between us, normally, if a type of two meters with tentacles instead of arms and legs bear came up to me after I ask for the drug, I cried my mother, I vomit, I began to cry, I vomited and then I fainted again. But after a few minutes, we realized it was really cool despite his heavy beard and crazy eyes, then he would just warn him that he does not really control his force (volunteers? Me I will not), he almost break my back with his little pat ending. To be honest, if there is a stage on which we would not venture, it is that of Liars.
STAGE INVASION: Where does this name, Liars?
ANGUS ANDREW: We wanted to be honest, and the first thing you can do to be honest is to admit that often lies. We all do more or less time to time, so it seemed fair enough to say "I am a fucking liar but at least I'm honest! "
/ / Yeah yeah, you're sure you're not a big liar?
ANGUS: No. Finally, I try not to be anyway. As I said earlier, there are times when one can not help it. I think sometimes we find ourselves in situations where, bizarrely, it is easier to lie. I do not think we should feel guilty about it. As long as one is able to recognize that from time to time, people lie, so it's good.
/ / You've made the last album, Sisterworld in LA, but when you formed the group you have all moved to New York. How do these two cities are they different, musically speaking?
ANGUS: They are like opposites. In New York, everything is compact enough and people are forced to connect and adjust to the intensity of the city. In Los Angeles, the opposite, it is possible to find places very relaxing. The music was made in New York was inevitable super intense, and I think it is possible to make music that is more relaxed in Los Angeles ... but I do not think we've done!
/ / There were two albums recorded in Berlin also ...
ANGUS: Berlin, it was something else. It was a completely foreign place, and I found it almost impossible to get in contact with the environment because I do not speak German. This gave me the opportunity to be lonely, I could find myself on a train or bus, with all these people talking about me, but I could not read so in the end, I found myself alone.
/ / Loneliness appears as a pillar of the group.
ANGUS: It's a great tool for me, a creative tool. To be able to imagine things and create, I need to get away and find myself alone. It's really important to me.
/ / The clip Scissor just won the Best Music Video Award Festival Vimeo, three weeks ago. Do you get involved much in creating and writing clips?
ANGUS: When you start, there are plenty of filmmakers who write and send them ideas. You end up with a large inventory of projects all the more crazy than the others, people who say 'this is how to turn this song into a clip. " Most times we say that the types are really impressed! But Scissor, oddly, it worked. It was the strange idea, but we liked the fact that it happens in the middle of the ocean. I thought, "no matter what happens, as long as it happens in the ocean, it can work! "
/ / Julian and you are you encountered in art school and have decided to form Liars. Is this the reason why your clips appear as inspired by the art (lots of graphics, and Scissor a wonderful photography)?
ANGUS: Probably. It is also because likes to think things artistically. The music is not our only way of thinking; Julian, for example, imagine things visually first before putting them to music. When we started in art school, it was not with music, it was with videos, computers, photographs, things like that, and the music came after.
/ / On the Evolution Proud EP that just came out, there is a remix for Thom Yorke. How did it happen? Are you friends with him, or he just heard the song and decided to remix it?
ANGUS: We toured with Radiohead, actually, and it is in contact long ago. Thom is supported since ... it's been so long that I can not remember. When we recorded Sisterworld we wanted every song on the album is reworked by a different artist, and Thom was one of the first that we thought. This project was really to heart.
/ / Apparently, you wanted a backing band for this tour? It gave what then?
ANGUS: On this tour, we took two musicians and more. On previous tours, there were more people on stage but we realized that two were enough, and sometimes it's better when you're all three (Liars is composed of three members, ie). It is interesting to have more musicians, especially when they are very good, because it allows for a retrospective of all your work so far, all the albums. They said "play it" ... and they do very well! Sometimes even better than us!
/ / Have you heard about the reform of the pension system, the government wants to go to France these days? How is it perceived in the U.S.?
ANGUS: To be honest, the first thing which we thought was "oh crap, we'll shoot in France, we will run out of gas! "But I think that's understandable, then everyone on the planet knows that Sarkozy Is A dickhead. Everyone knows he is a bit out of control, so it's normal that people are protesting. I do not understand why they want to put people to work two years more directly, why they do not start by six months, for example ... They should go more slowly ... In short, whatever, it's still fucking stories of political stuff.
/ / Do invasions scene bothering you?
ANGUS: No, not really, as long as people have a good time. But sometimes I feel better that there be none, because the rest of the public must think 'why should I watch these fucking people on the scene?! "For example, the Stooges are a great group, but recently they made a big tour and ...
/ / ... and every time they raise the audience on stage, always the same song!
ANGUS: Exactly! As if there were a damn contract! It has nothing spontaneous. When things start to happen like that it gets boring. I just want to see Iggy, not need all these guys on stage!
/ / It was the concert this summer at La Route du Rock, and you move much on stage, so I'm not sure people could go without getting hurt!
ANGUS: Yeah, right! That's why people do not ride on our stage, because they are afraid of me!
album Sisterworld / / (Mute Records) ep
Proud Evolution / / (Mute Records)
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