Saturday, January 29, 2011
Do Northenos And Bloods Get Along
PO. @ Batofar - Restless 27 October 10 (1st part) by missivemusic
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Scorts Tlaxcala Y Apizaco

the occasion of our 40th anniversary in good messengers of joy, we wanted to lead by example and to inform the French press this message of joy that we all have at heart to want to propagate.
So with the International Secretariat, we started, we took advice from people more specialized than we are in such an exercise, we launched the invitations, and Tuesday morning at 25 at the premises of the OCH , whose living room was decorated the colors of Faith and Light, we hosted a dozen journalists from various media (newspapers, radio, television), a press and a file was handed to each person with a coffee and a croissant.
And then the conference itself started: Major Henry presented Faith and Light, Marie-Hélène Mathieu - who we had the joy of being present - recalled the early days of Faith and Light ago 40 years and I then presented the events that are getting ready in the provinces. After some questions we had time exchange very rich and I feel we've hit our target, several journalists spoke of projects to present Faith and Light on the occasion of our anniversary, others who could not be there asked the press to use it too.
retrospect, I realize that this conference, even if it requires some preparation work therefore is very useful and can bear fruit, very good fruit ... Through the various articles and reports, these are families, friends who will join the existing communities or create new ones, what joy!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Sequin Clothes Toronto
Every year, communities across the province, "France Is Sparkling" organize a retreat to the sanctuary Our Lady of Mount Roland in the Jura. In 2010, this retreat was held Saturday 23 October to Tuesday, October 26. They were 83, including 34 people with a disability. As usual, I get a lively account of these beautiful days and I'm happy to share it with you because you certainly know how important I find that these retreats have been held in the provinces. .. then if that can give you ideas, great!
I leave Raymonde Mouro (helped by Christine, Christine and Marie-Therese) tell you these four days
For four days, we formed a community of prayer, full of life, friendship and joy.
With Father Bruno Hayet of Reims and Langres Father Benedict Sepulchre, we "rediscover "The g AIN Christian prayers.
Saturday: we are invited to pass through the narrow gate well materialized, to seize the key, which illustrates the book of songs to help us enter into prayer . Like Jesus, we pray to God to be in relationship with him and feel his presence. It is our gift from the fruit of his word which, to be tasted, must be shared: as the two nuts that we receive.
The first prayer is " Hail Mary. " The first symbol brought the book of the Word "Mary meditates on the word and gives flesh to the verb." What place Mary in our lives? She is our mother, our guide, it is self-sacrifice, mediator, she watches over us.
For the evening vigil, in small groups, with the deacons of the Diocese of Langres, we exchange to illustrate one of the Litany to the Virgin: "Mystical Rose", "source of joy ... The drawings of the twelve small groups are a beautiful rose with central image of Mary. This beautiful stained glass adorns the Next day the church sanctuary where we celebrate Mass. Bishop Dalloz around celebrating his 80th birthday surrounded by family and friends and with Bishop GUENELEY, bishop of Langres, together with the deacons of his diocese.
Sunday: education focuses on " Glory to God " , prayer of praise of the shepherds. The symbol of the day is a lamp which diffuses a "light as the fragile peace, which asks only illuminate, to warm and inviting us in praise and wonder. "
Angels bring God's peace, peace that does not have, which is a gift to share.
is the shepherds, the smallest of the earth, the angels come to reveal the birth of Jesus. It is this property that is mimicked in the evening during which the achievements are also presented the activities of the afternoon, dance, music, ikebana, beads, stained glass, drawings ...
Monday: is Jesus who teaches us to pray with " Our Father " . We acknowledge paternity and abundance of God's gift that nourishes us with his bread and his word: a nice loaf of bread is made.
Everyone makes a bun, decorates. It is then cooked and shared and enjoyed the evening meal.
How this prayer we change it? Be sensitive to the seven applications, three of which are addressed to God and four that are more personal. God is gracious and merciful, he understands our weaknesses, he knows us and loves us as his children. We are led gently to the sacrament of reconciliation: "Forgive us our trespasses", "deliver us from evil."
During the vigil, we gestuons the Our Father and then we listen to the testimony of Claire Festival Let's Be Different: "Daring to be different! "July 2010 Jambville.
Tuesday: is the Apostles' Creed, " I believe in God " . We bring a great pitcher filled with water sign of our baptism. We approach the mystery of the Trinity: God the Father who gives in his creation, through his son Jesus, who dwells in us by the Holy Spirit unites us all in church. It this God, source of our faith, our whole body, with all our heart and all our mind leads us to do even greater things than we do.
With silent prayer each morning, praying together in preparing her body, her heart and mind with Teresa of Avila, the daily Eucharist, meals, parties, songs and music so well animated by Emmanuel, Jean-Marie Jean-Baptiste, Jeremy and Stephen, we felt all children of one Father.
Happy shares in small groups, individual meetings, we start with a diptych we have achieved by sticking a daily prayer is given and blessed. Then, enthusiastic, we are sent to our brothers as messengers of joy.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Average Wattage Of Bathroom Fan
Friday, January 14, 2011
Where Can You Buy Volleyball Ribbon

The celebrations of 40 th anniversary of Faith and Light were started in fine style a pilgrimage to Deir Dronka, a monastery near Assiut, where tradition says the Holy Family fled to Egypt after the flight. All preparations were well underway: beautiful posters, brochures, great communication to make well known Faith and Light and retrieve financial aid ... All were glad to participate in this celebration: 48 communities of the Egyptians, Sudanese, Kuwaitis and delegations of two other provinces (Syria and France Loire Rhone Auvergne) myself, I was very pleased to come Isabelle with this first pilgrimage messengers of joy!
And then this morning January 14th, I received the news after having analyzed the local situation in their country, after much prayer, the pilgrimage organizers have made the difficult decision to postpone the date of their pilgrimage up this November ... I know it's a decision that was taken without a light heart and she also very sad ... This should remind us that Faith and Light is not only joy, c ' is initially much suffering and that suffering is that God turns to joy in our friendship dating shared by the true relations.
So, I trust, and it is a matter of faith that God will not remain insensitive to the plight of our friends from Faith and Light in Egypt and throughout the Middle East, that He will answer prayers all Christians who live this time of Passion so painful. I trust that this will result in a time of resurrection: "Ought not Christ to suffer these things and enter into his glory?" (Luke 24, 26).
We believe in Faith and Light, the disabled person, in his smallness and fragility, is a ferment of unity and it can muster all humanity and breaking down walls of hatred and division. Then, as the frightened apostles in a boat buffeted by contrary winds, welcome one who seems to sleep at the bottom of the boat: "Confidence" is I, do not be afraid! " (Mt 14, 27)
And reiterate our often beautiful prayer of Faith and Light: "May he make us in this world of war and division, instruments of peace and unity."
Friday, January 7, 2011
Stomach Virus Going Around 2010
Today January 7, some Orthodox patriarchs, who follow the Julian Calendar celebrate Christmas. This is true of the Russian Patriarchate Moscow and Copts in Egypt.
I went to the front of Notre Dame of Paris where the Coptic community gathered in Paris to pray for the victims of the terrible attack of Alexandria and was in communion with our Orthodox friends in the joy of Christmas and the birth of Jesus, but also the pain of those who mourn the loss of relatives or friends.

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Hurt My Hand When I Punched

○○ CHAMBOCHE (Under the shade-UK) - Dj -
○ ○ JULIAN PARIS (FR-Missive) - Live
○ ○ PO. (FR-Missive) Dj