The celebrations of 40 th anniversary of Faith and Light were started in fine style a pilgrimage to Deir Dronka, a monastery near Assiut, where tradition says the Holy Family fled to Egypt after the flight. All preparations were well underway: beautiful posters, brochures, great communication to make well known Faith and Light and retrieve financial aid ... All were glad to participate in this celebration: 48 communities of the Egyptians, Sudanese, Kuwaitis and delegations of two other provinces (Syria and France Loire Rhone Auvergne) myself, I was very pleased to come Isabelle with this first pilgrimage messengers of joy!
And then this morning January 14th, I received the news after having analyzed the local situation in their country, after much prayer, the pilgrimage organizers have made the difficult decision to postpone the date of their pilgrimage up this November ... I know it's a decision that was taken without a light heart and she also very sad ... This should remind us that Faith and Light is not only joy, c ' is initially much suffering and that suffering is that God turns to joy in our friendship dating shared by the true relations.
So, I trust, and it is a matter of faith that God will not remain insensitive to the plight of our friends from Faith and Light in Egypt and throughout the Middle East, that He will answer prayers all Christians who live this time of Passion so painful. I trust that this will result in a time of resurrection: "Ought not Christ to suffer these things and enter into his glory?" (Luke 24, 26).
We believe in Faith and Light, the disabled person, in his smallness and fragility, is a ferment of unity and it can muster all humanity and breaking down walls of hatred and division. Then, as the frightened apostles in a boat buffeted by contrary winds, welcome one who seems to sleep at the bottom of the boat: "Confidence" is I, do not be afraid! " (Mt 14, 27)
And reiterate our often beautiful prayer of Faith and Light: "May he make us in this world of war and division, instruments of peace and unity."
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