From 28 to 30 January 2011, Faith Light and Honduras has organized a pilgrimage to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the movement and 25 ns has presence in the country. I received this story Martha Irene Machigua, Deputy Coordinator province accompanying communities of Honduras. ¡Muchas gracias , Martha!
All Community ties gathered in the city of Cholulteca "Chrisma" Yoro, "Walking with Jesus" Tocoa, "New Horizons" Coyol, "the Good P asteur "Nacaome of" Friends of Jesus " of Danli, "Concepcion" of the community and Cholulteca probationary period Olanchito. L e 29, we all went up in Esquipulas, where "the Black Christ" and a cave where one can see a statue of Mother aculée Imm Conception. 30, three communities are went s see the Virgin Mary Suyapa in Tegucigalpa, Honduras' patron saint, which we re celeb party that day.
During the pilgrimage, we sang songs of Faith and Light by ALLUS ion to the Virgin Mary. A Mass was concelebrated by three priests and as always av ec the support of Father Robert Grimaldi, then we shared lunch, then a painting workshop was organized with all friends and young during that parents rass emblaient for a time spiritual with Padre Roberto Grimaldi.
We also had a time with the Ark and together we broke a piñata. The evening was very happy : representatives to utes the communities have enlivened by songs, poems, skits and friends of the Ark of Choluteca performed some dances folkloriqu es. All participants have really benefited from this fiesta.
There were a total of 160 people: 58 people with a disability, 32 parents, 50 friends, 20 young people.
We were well rewarded all our efforts for the preparation of the pilgrimage, material efforts, research funding, for the delight of our friends disabilities and their families.
¡Let us give thanks Lord for so much love!
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