While too old crappy teen, try you to hide your new friends that you were a wanker jogging or that you thought it smashing into Gothic, you always fear of crossing a distant acquaintance who will remind you right in the dredge plan with your upstairs neighbor. Do not pretend to know what I mean.
Well you see, Bobmo him he took all that stuff really sucks too. Yeah, he first started rapping and yeah, Bobmo, it's just a nickname for Bob Morane. So it seems more difficult to claim that such a thing for him is cool. No seriously, I'm sure that cop with that.

Stage Invasion: Bobmo, it comes from Bob Morane, haha! ... No kidding?
BOBMO: No ... Finally, yeah that's it. I actually shorthand for not being captured but you picked ... I'm a little ashamed. It was a bit of a rapper name, when did rap long ago. But plenty of people not capture it just that ... So it's cool.
/ / Yeah, finally there is death.
BOBMO: It's okay, that was long ago.
/ / After reading your bio, I asked myself, what is your madness with the Turks?
BOBMO: Actually it's a little joke with a buddy. When I went to Berlin before, I went to a club where there were only Turks and venerated techno hyper, hyper-violent, the club was full of Turkish addicts. And suddenly when I make music I call it a little hard "stuff for the Turks. " Turkerie of what, for the Turks who dance naked torsos and hiss on techno.
/ / Damn dude what you download with soulseek! (P2P somewhat old school, ed)
BOBMO: I was really a nerd soulseek, it turned 24/24, I choppa all, and at the end I had a collection of tips sorted by label , city, year of release, etc.. What a frenzy of nerd. But I go because there are more bigger thing now, the mac version of soulseek is nothing.
/ / We had a thing with Kap Bambino and they are not remix too. How did it unto thee, thou hast convinced?
BOBMO: Well I either already at the base I do not like doing remixes, but some friends, I know for a long time one comes from Bordeaux all three. Then we had toured together in the United States was before the album, and they asked me to remix the single. At first I did not do it because I could not do it, so, I remixed the second single.
/ / Batcave?
BOBMO: Yeah, but I find it terrible. I even wanted to release it under another name. I had a little ashamed, but it is stupid, it's cool.
/ / Caro (of Kap Bambino, ed) spoke remixes by saying it was for rats in the clubs.
BOBMO: Oh yeah it was she who said that. No, but they are cool, we have fun though.
/ / In fact, nothing to see, but she was elected the most good girl this year by a magazine, I know which one.
BOBMO: Yeah in a trick chick, kind Jalouse .

/ / If you got a sort of side project with Surkin, High Powered Boys.
BOBMO: There was something out there, a fortnight ago, Songs For Abel . We made lots of new tracks lately.
/ / You work with it how?
BOBMO: For example, I started something with an idea, a sample, and after I send. As usual, we send our previews of tracks to hear the opinions of others and that's what. We want to explore all of dance music, I'm sure one day we will make drum'n'bass, you see.
/ / Basically, there's one that begins and ends on another job.
BOBMO : Not necessarily, you know we're doing remixes for both, we ask, we talk, we listen to the instrumentals, vocals and all that. Even if we keep two kind words in general. We did something stupid, that's what Mongolian dance.
/ / To continue on your collaborations, you're doing pictures with Maciek Pozoga. It's a buddy of yours?
BOBMO: Yeah, actually he likes to take pictures of his friends and now it's cool what he does. He had a series of fashion for Vice, with laughing gas. We took all we had saps funny and suddenly we had mouths on the photos tainted.
/ / It also makes your wallet, it seems that when you throw yourself a mountain.
BOBMO: Yeah, last summer was plotted by car to the mountain, we were in a hostel at 1800m, there was a trampoline and voila, he framed without the trampoline and suddenly it gave this effect. And then he painted the clouds as for the cover.
/ / There's not a weird cat on the back pocket anyway?
BOBMO: Yeah it's something that is supposed to represent me but not at all ... Ah, but no wait, I mean something else, on the cover is just a smiley that has absolutely nothing to do with me.
/ / Finally, you do not have a title for the interview?
BOBMO: I'm bad for that. Maybe when I'm drunk I would find a cool name, I'll regret later ...
Needless to say we absolutely do not remember the title that we may have given.
Photo credits: Yves Drillet
NOTE: It is also possible to read the interview in the May / June HONEST MAGAZINE, available at Alphagraph, Delkographik, Blindspot and Sambre. And yeah, it would seem that we have found guys as cool as us (well almost).
EP Falling From The Crescent Moon / / (Institubes)
High Powered Boys
single Sounds Of Cain / / (Institubes)
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