22 & 23MAI2010
22 & 23MAI2010

Saturday, May 22
This day festival begins at 17:30 with the press conference by Rachid Taha (that's working on a festival). Already, we must set the scene: all the conferences and interviews are held in the chapel of Saint-Brieuc, so with statues of virgins and windows that flank the VIP bar is installed for the occasion; original atmosphere, this is the least one can say when, like me, not a big fan of churches. Rachid Taha arrived with twenty minutes late, very good mood, very simple and not especially at this time, however, relatively advanced.
He tells how he met Gaetan Roussel "like all Breton: a bar over a beer" (because the latest single featuring with Taha Gaetan Roussel, ed), and Mick Jones at a concert at Royal Albert Hall Patti Smith in London where he had been invited to play. (Okay, so for a few brief pilgrims who stumble upon this page and do not know who is Mick Jones, Joe Strummer Mick Jones + + Paul Simonon = three pillars of The Clash, British punk group the more cult By far the best that ever existed. So much for the history.) vlatipa And that that shows up in the middle of the press conference? I guessed: Mick Jones, after "oh come on baby" insisting Rachid Taha. So say what you want, but Mick Jones, who moves to a meter of yourself by taking a discrete hello, that's still something. Rachid and her light up a cigarette, after all the same asked permission but frankly, home of Jesus or not, who would say no to Mick Jones, he is also shy face to twenty-five journalists?
The conference ended shortly before 18:30, so it's time to move up instead Corbion Poulain, which hosts most concerts. It's never easy to open an evening festival, especially when only one fifth of the audience is there, and you find yourself before your arrival on the scene only a few rows of people (most being there in the prospect of place for a future concert which is more - Coeur de Pirate, Peter Doherty). It was under such auspices that Miss Platnum thus began his concert. An original style of music, described by many "R'n'B Balkan" during his visit to TransMusicales a year ago and a half, cataloging a little rough around the world. The lady who claimed at the time Give Me The Food seems to be passed by the box scheme and a hairdresser colorist not really shy. But seriously, come on stage with a song whose lyrics are "Drink Until You fall asleep on the Street and in the Morning you wake up and You Do not Know Where You Are" and a bottle of Absolut collector hand, that always impresses.
I described above as 17:30 the Rachid Taha friend had already gone through the box aperitif, but then at 20h he also had to get some indigestion. Well, who cares, it did not stop the concert to be a success. Having said that, fortunately, her boyfriend was there to take sitar note in backvocals, anyway. After five songs, Mick Jones is back, grabs his guitar and go for a cover of Rock The Casbah Arabic version. Well, the thing sucks is you can not sing. Second major point, second round of the Clash: Should I Stay Or Should I Go . Incontestable madness and communicative with the public course, by cons when 15 boys groupies (yes, it exists) by Peter Doherty come down at full speed at the tail-leu-leu and upset everyone because miraculously, they recognized a song from a set hour, inevitably, there are some moves that are not lost.
Concert Pirate Heart goes out the window because I have to go join the White Rabbits Interview - perfect timing, perfect excuse to avoid this dreaded concert in advance. Back to Chapel rock'n'roll therefore, for an interview at once disturbing and brilliant with two white rabbits. Troubling because it's unsettling when someone speaks to you do not look in his eyes (his feet, his hands, his beer), and great because having had little time to prepare for this interview (learning the new half an hour before leaving Rennes is cool in the genre), it's always nice to come across pipelettes talking without stopping. Photos, tightening labor, what's your name again? and return to the place Corbion Poulain.
I come when called back on what appears to be a cover of I Kissed A Girl Katy Perry . Already the original was not flying high, but then the voice-piano version only confirm that this concert was intended: the tens or hundreds of little girls from 12 to 15 who occupied the front rows. So I was told, the vast majority of the public was pissed (the sayings and confirmed by western France Paplar by the way). Nothing missed, So.
not bother to go around the bush: a concert of Peter Doherty , it can be a time acoustic and intimate look great, or a large stripping in engineering practice (alcohol, drugs or non-presence of the protagonist simply). Fortunately for briochains who casually, are present in large numbers to 23.30 for the concert of English dandy crazy, performance belonged to the first category, which also have come as a surprise to many. As
now often concerts Doherty, the public is divided into several categories: 1 / the eternal groupies accompanied their boyfriends dressed in mini Pete Doherty 2 / people who appreciate the music of English but remain puzzled until the last minute or not his presence at the concert, 3 / the curious who came to see if the junkie most famous of the tabloids would be a scandal on stage, and 4 / people who do not really know what they're doing. The views of the various reactions I heard that night, I felt that audiences were captivated by the amazingly controlled acoustic set, though largely improvised. Doherty does not work in the setlist is well known. In recent months, he tries to detach its scandalous image, to buy a pipe, and that it succeeds quite well. The only two small flats that can be observed, is that there has been no unusual (okay there was the b-side with Babyshambles The Ballad Of Grimaldi Libertines and with Dilly Boys but it's not the same), and especially, ESPECIALLY, no duet with Mick Jones on Time For Heroes , yet the opportunity was perfect, the two men being more close friends (second reminder History: 2002, Mick Jones produced the first album, The Libertines, Doherty's original group). But those two caveats remain anecdotal, "of disappointment Geek " me does one fact worth noting.
At 0:30 am, rock fans with a pass with access to all the scenes of the festival go to Gateway Forum see White Rabbits . Their music is reminiscent of their countrymen who were at Art Rock last year, I named Cold War Kids. A rock tinged soul singer on keyboards, another on guitar and two drummers, percussion so very present. But too quickly the approximation White Rabbits = Cold War Kids would be wrong, and just as inaccurate as the Sex Pistols or The Clash = Neil Young = Bob Dylan. Our bunnies are starting their set with a cover of Nightclubbing Iggy Pop, difficult to imagine a better placing in the mouth. The emphasis on percussion is really the signature sound of the band, so when the two drummers were joined by bassist on Percussion Drum Gun , both say it sends sec. Somewhere, we regret that the group has not had the chance to play on the big stage of Corbion Poulain, but on the other hand, we rejoice in the atmosphere much more privileged Gateway, people who knew why they were there.
Sunday, May 23
I always had a knack for finding myself next to big relous during concerts, well The Go! team did not escape the rule. The singer is very cute jumping all over the stage and deliver the same time an aerobics class to the public, but when two connasses put themselves in the idea of imitating him, cigarette in hand, that you give cold sweats at the sight of a cigarette that comes dangerously close to your eyeball. And this for a quarter of an hour. The concert itself was pretty boring, I will not say when we saw a song they had seen it all, but almost.
Both the previous day, the average age was not flying high among college students came to Coeur de Pirate and high school students for Peter Doherty, but this was rather the parents who had traveled in droves to see the future One of the pillars of French music (quality, it is important to point out) not far from fifty years Jacques Dutronc. Moreover, in passing, little riddle: What do you recognize a living legend? It's the only person not wearing a wristband for the festival to go to the VIP entrance or backstage, the Vigils like anyone else instantly recognize and Mr. has the privilege of not having a wristband. Even Peter Doherty was the day before wearing one, it said. This is purely anecdotal, but it's rare enough to be stressed. The concert itself was charismatic, the word, punctuated by brief remarks at Dutronc between songs style "eh you going to the windows there, you have the right to applaud as" , or how is grilling in style. Dutronc's songs have not aged, cons by him, if a bit - it hurts my heart, but it is clear that on some songs (including The Cactus and And Me, And Me, And Me , not the least), the ends of worms to be more of a vocal leader of the carnival that Dutronc in 1967. We'll put that on account "all the whiskey he had sent" (no vegetarian, I think) for forty years, eh.
Whoever therefore closing the festival scene is Corbion Poulain Gaetan Roussel . Many people left right after Dutronc, but there is still a lot of people for the leader of Louis Armstrong. All spends his solo album, including the essential Help Myself which is a big hit radio and television, and therefore a godsend for the band live, and it is reflected in the public who knows the song almost by heart. Output stage, then the group comes a point with a cover of Psycho Killer Talking Heads AS A YAKAYALÉ the previous month, is indeed quite a shame because a recovery that is up to each concert is only little interest, but good. The public is totally in the mood, so much so that he will not let the group leave the stage a second time. Gaetan Roussel said they have more songs to play, even a novel is over, they are thus forced to play again Help Myself. A small recovery of Louis Armstrong would have certainly had the same effect, but hey, it is understandable that the leader of the group tries to break from things and to become a solo in the public eye.
Photo credits: You may have noticed that there are no photos to accompany all concerts reported. What do you want, Stage Invasion is a small media, and apparently I was not quite photographer access to space, so after the exception Miss Platnum, it was no entry . Damn, for once the camera stuff was worthy of that name again - a big thank you to Charloute passed.
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