It was talk Monday, January 31 and then yesterday, disaster, Marie-Hélène phone to tell us that it was no longer possible for her to come and this decision has really been taken to heart cons.
How to replace Marie-Helene? Impossible, our first reaction was ... And then they all did such a joy it was absolutely necessary to properly organize something to replace it, which seemed equally impossible. Finally, the preferred option was to organize a roundtable with three Guénard Martin - former head of home OCH Lourdes - to discuss links between Sainte Bernadette and Faith and Light, Corinne to discuss the History of Faith and Light and to tell me how the spirit of Faith and Light was present in the projects of pilgrimages in 2011 and 2012.
The disappointment was great among the participants, which made us even more shaky climbing on stage ... but ... Dan has spoken so well of the little Bernadette, his life, its relationship with the beautiful lady who spoke to him "like a person talking to another person," Corinne so the story of Faith and Light that disappointment was quickly replaced by a very strong and sustained attention of by all participants who seemed passionate about what they meant ...
And then Marie-Hélène has sent a very warm I've seen the following:
Dear Friends, dear (e) each one,
You know how I was sorry not being able to join you and live at least a few hours with you, review old, know, if only for a moment, new ... But I can tell you that, in thought and especially by the heart and prayer, I am nevertheless with you. I was, especially on Monday morning when Martine Guénard , Corinne and Ghislain took over at short notice . "It was great " , did I know. They talked with so much hope and love.
While you will tomorrow celebrate sending, I give thanks for your humility, courage and boldness for all these pilgrimages that will invite and help communities worldwide and each of their members to become messengers of joy . Messengers of extraordinary gift that Jesus gave us forty years ago in Lourdes . In Lourdes, at the hands of Mary, he has placed in our hands the disabled person so dear to his heart and the community to welcome . May our love and our joy call a lot of new families, new friends, join us, give rise to new communities for the poorest take his place in the heart of the Church and society.
wednesday at UNESCO, the joy of recover much of you around Jean Vanier . For those who have already gone back home, a nice, good road.
With you Magnificat! Hallelujah!
I kiss each one.
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