When all coordinators in the provinces gathered for the meeting "their" advice, it is good to give some encouragement, advice and messages. When Jesus gathered his disciples, often add Evangelists He taught them long!
Also at Lourdes, it has been proposed several times to speak and workshops: I proposed a reflection on authority, Major Henry led a workshop on finance, a person's communication service of the sanctuaries is come talk about communication and Philippe Lachapelle and Caroline La Goutte came to talk of the proposed special issue for the 40 years of Faith and Light. Amgad Finally, Mary and Sahar came to present their project in Egypt pilgrimage, pilgrimage unfortunately postponed to November ...
authority : I recalled the main principles of the authority that apply in our movement. The authority after the role of coordinator is an authority that must grow, an authority that is at the service of communion that must reign in our communities (and we had an exercise Practice night with the washing of feet). Using the example of The Little Prince, I explained that the authority he sought to carry on his rose and his sheep would allow each to flourish without barrier (no bell for the rose, no muzzle for the sheep) and has everyone's concern. And the fruits that this authority are those cited by Saint Paul (Gal 5, 22): love, joy and peace.
finances : huge topic! Henry took the time to explain the general rules for financial management in Faith and Light (contributions, solidarity, sharing and posting ...) and small groups were formed to reflect on this matter before a plenary session during which many issues and proposals have been remounted. All responses could not be given, but it will feed the reflection of the Board of Directors.
communication: when one has a message of joy to know there is a minimum of technical knowledge and Joel Luzenko with great professionalism, but also with a very accessible presentation gave some basic tips that will allow everyone to be a good messenger of joy! And because these rules are fairly intuitive, he confirmed that Maria Silvia poster prepared for the pilgrimage to Aparecida was beautiful!
Shadows & Light : the friendship we have with the OCH is one of those who wear a lot of fruit! Philip and Caroline came to explain that the anniversary of Faith and Light would be a special edition to be published in early 2013. This special issue will not be a series of reports on various pilgrimages that are taking place, but it will be a tool to develop our mission to continue to call and explain what Faith and Light. This number will not be writing a Shadows & Light, it will be a co-production and many people will be asked to help write articles.
pilgrimage swimming Egypt: with great emotion, Amgad came to present (with his wife Mary and Sahar who is the coordinator of the second province in Egypt) the sketch he had prepared to explain their project in Deir Dronka pilgrimage, a place where tradition says the Holy Family has taken refuge. Amgad is a professor of drawing and I had the joy of seeing me entrusted these beautiful drawings! They all listened with emotion presentation, sensitive to hard times lived their country.
I think these few sessions have been enjoyable to hear and that the advice given to Lourdes will further strengthen the fellowship of our movement while allowing it to develop the richness of our cultures.
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