Thursday, February 24, 2011

Black And White Cow Luggage

A training session in Zimbabwe

I received this very detailed account of the training session held in Zimbabwe last December. I admire, for organizing such an event in this country right now, is the heroism and the tour de force! And the desire to live Faith and Light, despite all the problems indicate adherence to the mission of Faith and Light that few live as well! Thank you to Elinata, thank you to Time who wrote this beautiful account, thank you to Father David, thank you my dear Artkin, thank you Lorraine! You guys are awesome!

communities of Zimbabwe held a training held in monastery Mariachiedza at Chegutu, from 2 to 5 December 2010. 19 people have been able to participate. Efforts to call people Zambia were unsuccessful, and Yves Bertin Hirwa, Vice International Coordinator, was unable to clear immigration at the airport in Harare, he was finally discharged!

communities of Zimbabwe went through a very dry period, mainly because of socio-economic difficulties that have generated the motivation and emigration (to South Africa and the United Kingdom). Nearly 70% of communities had stopped meeting ent re 2007 and 2009. Much energy was spent to revive, and in 2010 it started to bear fruit, but there were still many challenges to overcome: there was a lot of new people who needed information, training, needing to get to know them. This was the main motivation for organizing this session.

Welcome, introduction, shares on expectations

The training lasted 4 days during the first day, led by Elinata, each presented himself, expressed his expectations, shared her experience said what drew him to Faith and Light. Linda Mangwiro said Faith and Light had made him understand that each person has his own disability; Father Casper Mukabva, Faith and Light had helped him rediscover himself. Fr David Harold-Barry has learned from his experience at the Ark that children with mental disabilities were breaking all the barriers we build to protect us, they help us discover what we are.

Calling Faith and Light

The second day focused on understanding the mission of Faith and Light. Father David gave a presentation on the strength of the appeal Faith and Light. He began by emphasizing that persons with disabilities ask us. He said that a disabled person needs a friend. The question they always ask is: "Will you be my friend?" When they discover they are loved, they become free and share what they truly are. Father David went on to say that we should help people with disabilities and their families to understand that God loves them as they are . Some parents are not at peace, because they always wonder why they have a disabled child. Disability should be considered a gift and not as a punishment from God. Love people with disabilities, see the beauty in them can understand the appeal of Faith and Light. After this presentation, participants had a quiet moment to pray and reflect on his vocation to Faith and Light. Later, participants met in small groups sharing.


The afternoon the second day was focused on understanding the Faith and Light community . Participants identified the community as a group of people living together and sharing everything they have . They indicated the importance of meetings and of visits to each other ( fourth time). Emphasis was placed on fundamental pillars of community which are the person with a mental handicap the parents and friends the . Participants also identified challenges they face in communities: Orphans and members of the community who have need of Using to meet their daily needs . Participants agreed it was important to help them, but without lose sight of the mission and calling Faith and Light. This means that other members could help to address concerns materials to ensure the survival of more poor. Finally, members of Faith and Light have e tee encouraged to anchor their community in their parish to they can share with other groups therein p resents.

The Way of the Cross

Faith and Light is embodied in the love, care, assistance, sacrifice and passion, rooted in Christ . Participants walked in reliving the passion of Christ, trying to understand, in reflection and prayer, his love which we feed to Faith and Light. It was a highlight that required a lot of spiritual energy. Father Mukabva Casper, who led the procession, has made great efforts to ensure that the entire ceremony penetrates our heart and mind.

The Origin of Faith and Light and Evidence

In evening, participants reflected on the early history of Faith and light. A Thurs scenic was presented with Father David in the role of Jean Van ist and Elinata was Marie-Helene. The roles of Loïc and Thaddeus, their parents and other characters were played by Lorraine , Ephania , Linda , Thandi and Stephen . T ll members present participated in this room as spectators assets. Then i here was a deep division on how Faith and Light has turned people. Eunice told how his experience in Faith and Light has helped to reconcile with his own situation. It a disabled child, and she used to wonder why she gave birth a child like that. Now, she comp makes it is not alone. It began to discover the gift hidden children disabled. Mavis has shared on social No disabled child called Takudzwa . It s were hunted of the house she rented because owners the house disliked her child disabled. Mavis concluded by saying that members of Faith and Light had been on the contrary, very active and supportive .

responsibility to Faith and Light

The third day was devoted to questions of responsibility for leadership in Faith and Light. The day began with a presentation of Time on the Good Shepherd. He used the principles of coaching to highlight the type of leadership that is ideal for our communities. Time stressed that we must learn from God himself how to be good stewards. In the Gospel of Emmaus, Jesus accompanies his presence, listening to their testimony and was in communion with them. As leaders, we should be present in our communities, listen to the experiences of members of our community, and walk with them. Like Jesus, we should be in communion with them, not above (pulling) or below (the pushing).
Participants emphasized the characteristics of a good manager who were listed: humility, prayer, listening, organization, knowledge of Faith and Light, availability and involvement in community activities. Time also noted that a good manager knows the structures of faith and light. In this regard, he listed structures, since the Community Coordination Team, the coordinator, the Vice-Provincial Coordinator, Provincial Coordinator, the International Coordinator and Vice-international coordinators. He placed emphasis on the fact that there are now three levels in Faith and Light. The levels are:

- Community

- the province

- International.
The presentation was very participatory. After the presentation, participants had a time of reflection and prayer. Small groups were then allowed everyone to share and discuss their coordination experience in connection with the presentation of Time and Call of Faith and Light.

Pilgrimage to Maria Chitubu

In the afternoon participants visited pilgrimage a new convent of sisters called Maria Chitubu . It was a pilgrimage with his appearance spiritual, but he helped implement the skills learned during the session . The sisters succeeded build a cave and a big house ( still starts ) on place where there was nothing. No water , electricity or roads . It s were determined succeed . Such of determination is necessary in our communities Faith and Light . The cave is really a prayer . The sisters have shared that on several occasions of people received miracles to cave . members Faith and Light, well as sisters have visited convent and prayed together at the cave .

and Next Steps reports

Participants are agreed that Faith and Light must continue to develop . For this a number activities were proposed and adopted :

- What was received during the training must be provided to communities

- Communities must meet monthly

- The community members must to visit each other to home ( fourth time)

- Communities need of embers committed

- Communities must keep track their activities .


The fourth and final day was marked by great activity and memorable dispatch. It began with a Mass at which members of the local parish have joined us. The sisters had prepared Mariachiedza the procession into the church, dances and songs. At he end of the Mass, just before the final blessing, all members of Faith and Light has been invited to come forward. They were all called by their names and sent with a candle to give light to go into their communities in their respective cities.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Streaming South Park Subtitles English

Coordinator Council at Lourdes (5) - sending

The highlight of the council was sending, the official start of two years of the 40 th anniversary provincial and pilgrimages.

The date of February 2, festival of light, was chosen as the best time to perform this ceremony is the Day of Faith and Light communities who were able to resume their meeting in what had been experienced Lourdes is still the beginning of the year and before the first pilgrimage.

all started with a nice speech of Henry Major, punctuated by "Amen, Hallelujah!" resumed in all heart with enthusiasm! Then, with the Father Isaac, we lit the candle for 40 years, decorated the anniversary logo and we have delivered:

- Each Vice-coordinator International a star votive

- Each provincial coordinator and a tealight starry banner his province: This banner is decorated on one side of the drawing of the boat of Faith and Light of which the characters go out to announce the long awaited message of joy and the other side is personalized by the province.

Then we had the mass of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple : All are entered in a procession with candles lit the candle for 40 years, the Gospel has been accompanied by a mime in which the parents of Mary Aurelia came to present their daughter and they were welcomed by Representative Michel Simeon, and this was very touching. The procession of offerings was made "African" with songs and dances.

Finally, after mass, a large fire was lit outside and the fire again, the candle was lit and the candles, symbols of the fiery tongues of Pentecost , were lit the candle, placed on the chair Marie-Aurélie, as representing the drawing of the meeting where the stars fly happy birthday cake from Faith and Light. Everyone went back to his province, with a heart burning with this great fire, to go and carry the message of joy to this meeting. The birthday song is now well known and he will be able to accompany pilgrimages. The candle of 40 years remained at the Cité Saint Pierre and will be rekindled for each of the pilgrimages that will succeed for almost 2 years!

The story does not end there ... in fact, on February 2, there was also a lecture by Jean Vanier, organized by UNESCO to OCH! And many were those who wanted to go listen! We managed to take about thirty participants to UNESCO, and we did feel as among those who came to hear the conference, there were also people from Lebanon, Brazil, United States , Malaysia, Mauritius, Rwanda, Syria ... Marie-Helene was there too and everyone was very happy to greet her, and some were also able to welcome John. All were very happy but exhausted by all these events ... All returns went well! And now for some pilgrimages!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bumps Under Skin Inner Lip

Coordinator Council at Lourdes (4) - celebrations

Our days at the Cité St. Pierre have been punctuated by numerous celebrations. Faith and Light is an ecumenical movement and we had ensured a good representation of Christian traditions: as a vast majority of provincial coordinators are Catholic and the only non-Catholic coordinators had to cancel at the last moment, only chaplains reflect this richness and this diversity with Marian Crawford (Methodist) Tim Dobbin (Anglican), Samer Awad (Orthodox), Carlos el Haddad and Martin Chomiw (Greek Catholics) and 5 Roman Catholic priests (Isaac, Dariusz, Ian, Ronal and Xavier).

Catholic Masses were celebrated on Sunday and the Feast of Light, a foot washing took place the evening of the day I talked about the (good workshop practice how to exercise the authority to Faith and Light) and morning prayers had been prepared by people from different parts of the world.

And then, Monday evening during the meeting questions - answers, Marian said her suffering before the little room that was reserved for celebrations of other traditions ... She put the finger where it hurts ... If I had taken the precaution of bringing her and the other chaplains, I had been jusqu'u end of my intentions ... So I went to see her, and we added in the next day's program a Eucharistic celebration presided over it with Tim, the chapel was quickly completed and the mass was full of fervor and the bonds of unity among all palpable! Gloria sung by Marian was superb and he was asked to rechanter the next day during Mass on February 2.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Stream South Park Subtitles English

Coordinator Council at Lourdes (3) - the time "speech "

When all coordinators in the provinces gathered for the meeting "their" advice, it is good to give some encouragement, advice and messages. When Jesus gathered his disciples, often add Evangelists He taught them long!

Also at Lourdes, it has been proposed several times to speak and workshops: I proposed a reflection on authority, Major Henry led a workshop on finance, a person's communication service of the sanctuaries is come talk about communication and Philippe Lachapelle and Caroline La Goutte came to talk of the proposed special issue for the 40 years of Faith and Light. Amgad Finally, Mary and Sahar came to present their project in Egypt pilgrimage, pilgrimage unfortunately postponed to November ...

authority : I recalled the main principles of the authority that apply in our movement. The authority after the role of coordinator is an authority that must grow, an authority that is at the service of communion that must reign in our communities (and we had an exercise Practice night with the washing of feet). Using the example of The Little Prince, I explained that the authority he sought to carry on his rose and his sheep would allow each to flourish without barrier (no bell for the rose, no muzzle for the sheep) and has everyone's concern. And the fruits that this authority are those cited by Saint Paul (Gal 5, 22): love, joy and peace.

finances : huge topic! Henry took the time to explain the general rules for financial management in Faith and Light (contributions, solidarity, sharing and posting ...) and small groups were formed to reflect on this matter before a plenary session during which many issues and proposals have been remounted. All responses could not be given, but it will feed the reflection of the Board of Directors.

communication: when one has a message of joy to know there is a minimum of technical knowledge and Joel Luzenko with great professionalism, but also with a very accessible presentation gave some basic tips that will allow everyone to be a good messenger of joy! And because these rules are fairly intuitive, he confirmed that Maria Silvia poster prepared for the pilgrimage to Aparecida was beautiful!

Shadows & Light : the friendship we have with the OCH is one of those who wear a lot of fruit! Philip and Caroline came to explain that the anniversary of Faith and Light would be a special edition to be published in early 2013. This special issue will not be a series of reports on various pilgrimages that are taking place, but it will be a tool to develop our mission to continue to call and explain what Faith and Light. This number will not be writing a Shadows & Light, it will be a co-production and many people will be asked to help write articles.

pilgrimage swimming Egypt: with great emotion, Amgad came to present (with his wife Mary and Sahar who is the coordinator of the second province in Egypt) the sketch he had prepared to explain their project in Deir Dronka pilgrimage, a place where tradition says the Holy Family has taken refuge. Amgad is a professor of drawing and I had the joy of seeing me entrusted these beautiful drawings! They all listened with emotion presentation, sensitive to hard times lived their country.

I think these few sessions have been enjoyable to hear and that the advice given to Lourdes will further strengthen the fellowship of our movement while allowing it to develop the richness of our cultures.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Invitation How To Tell Guestspaid For

Council coordinators in Lourdes (2) - Lack of Marie-Hélène Mathieu

I invited Marie-Hélène to come to Lourdes to meet with provincial coordinators and the international coordination team and it was not long in decide, because I know it was for her double joy come to Lourdes and coordinators meet with the board of Faith and Light.

It was talk Monday, January 31 and then yesterday, disaster, Marie-Hélène phone to tell us that it was no longer possible for her to come and this decision has really been taken to heart cons.

How to replace Marie-Helene? Impossible, our first reaction was ... And then they all did such a joy it was absolutely necessary to properly organize something to replace it, which seemed equally impossible. Finally, the preferred option was to organize a roundtable with three Guénard Martin - former head of home OCH Lourdes - to discuss links between Sainte Bernadette and Faith and Light, Corinne to discuss the History of Faith and Light and to tell me how the spirit of Faith and Light was present in the projects of pilgrimages in 2011 and 2012.

The disappointment was great among the participants, which made us even more shaky climbing on stage ... but ... Dan has spoken so well of the little Bernadette, his life, its relationship with the beautiful lady who spoke to him "like a person talking to another person," Corinne so the story of Faith and Light that disappointment was quickly replaced by a very strong and sustained attention of by all participants who seemed passionate about what they meant ...

And then Marie-Hélène has sent a very warm I've seen the following:

Dear Friends, dear (e) each one,

You know how I was sorry not being able to join you and live at least a few hours with you, review old, know, if only for a moment, new ... But I can tell you that, in thought and especially by the heart and prayer, I am nevertheless with you. I was, especially on Monday morning when Martine Guénard , Corinne and Ghislain took over at short notice . "It was great " , did I know. They talked with so much hope and love.

While you will tomorrow celebrate sending, I give thanks for your humility, courage and boldness for all these pilgrimages that will invite and help communities worldwide and each of their members to become messengers of joy . Messengers of extraordinary gift that Jesus gave us forty years ago in Lourdes . In Lourdes, at the hands of Mary, he has placed in our hands the disabled person so dear to his heart and the community to welcome . May our love and our joy call a lot of new families, new friends, join us, give rise to new communities for the poorest take his place in the heart of the Church and society.

wednesday at UNESCO, the joy of recover much of you around Jean Vanier . For those who have already gone back home, a nice, good road.

With you Magnificat! Hallelujah!

I kiss each one.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Heartburn And Paracetamol

Council coordinators in Lourdes (1)

A great first! All coordinators province with a dozen chaplains and the international coordination team met in late January Lourdes. Major Henry was present as well, because it was a unique opportunity for him to meet with provincial coordinators. Here's the short word of welcome that I had prepared in the booklet distributed to each his arrival:

"I am very happy welcoming you in Lourdes for the first meeting of the Council of Coordinators!

This is not a first for Faith and Light than to be in Lourdes, we're here a little "home", we have so many memories! But it is a great first experience that this meeting of all the provinces of Faith and Light!

We have implemented a little over two years of our new constitution, almost all provinces have held their Provincial Assembly, we have seen how these structures were well adapted to the Faith and Light today, how they could give life, how could they allow a good coaching at all levels. Today, we practice a little paragraph of this constitution which says

council coordinators gives life to the movement. It is run by the international coordinator. The board's role of coordinators is to be a place of sharing between different coordinators to work together for God's movement and to serve persons with mental disabilities and Faith and Light communities in the spirit of the Charter. The board of coordinators is a place of mutual support and training for provincial coordinators. It is a time of reflection where Coordinators have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the objectives of Faith and Light and the ways in which the movement operates. It is also a time where creating an international community. (Constitution # 65)

is what we'll try to do during these few days, giving life, sharing, searching all the will of God, support each other, train, think, further, create ... What a great program! And I'm sure the Holy Spirit will be present to help us, support us!

We further divide each to his province and his community to live festivals and celebrations of the 40 th anniversary of Faith and Light, a heart full of messages of joy for all! "

The Coordinator Council held in the City Saint Pierre where we were very warmly ( despite the weather very very cool!) it must be said that Bishop Jean Rodhain, the founder of Catholic Relief Services and the City of Saint Peter was the first to support the idea of Jean Vanier and Marie-Hélène Mathieu a pilgrimage to Lourdes in 1971! The website of the City Saint Pierre retains traces of our passage.

The first day, the opening session was attended by Bishop Jacques Perrier, Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes: we read the pope's message received a few days ago, and we talked about the links between Lourdes and Faith and light, we said, inter alia how the pilgrimage had changed their minds at Lourdes and Faith and Light was part of the genetic code of Lourdes! I replied thanking him for his hospitality and that Lourdes was part of the genetic code of Faith and Light!

This meeting was so rich and so beautiful that it deserves more articles ... To be continued ....

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pokemon Heart Gold And Soul Silver Sprite Sheet

A message from Pope Benedict XVI

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State of His Holiness Benedict XVI has sent us a message from the Pope that I am happy to inform you. This message has been read by Bishop Jacques Perrier, Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes, while the Council of Coordinators was held at Lourdes.

At the occasion of the celebration of the 40 e anniversary of the founding of the International Faith and Light, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI address to the Council of Coordinators and all members of the Movement's warmest wishes, assuring them of his prayers that God make fruitful the work started at Easter 1971, during the pilgrimage to Lourdes. Many are from communities Faith and Light who grew up around the world. May they repeat in the heart of every disabled person the word of Pope Paul VI: " You're liked of God as you're " and thus help to continue his pilgrimage of life in peace and joy inside, surrounded by brothers and sisters, happy to share with her the love that God has a special way to smaller and smaller! That the celebration of this anniversary is a joyous message of hope for people with disabilities, their families and friends! Wholeheartedly, His Holiness addressed to all members of the International Faith and Light, an affectionate Apostolic Blessing.