Thursday, October 28, 2010
No Egg Salmon Patties
promised it comes: every two weeks to hold the festival TransMusicales (9, 10 & 11 December this year), proposes to Stage Invasion take stock of five groups not to be missed. New kids for the most essential figures of their kind for some, this is the quintet chosen by us for this second selection.
December 11 / / City / / 7:50 p.m.
Behind Wu Lyf (or rather World Unite Lucifer Youth Foundation, name a bit barbaric and scary at first limit), four young guys are hiding from Manchester, and the least we can say is that since last January, they have been surrounded with mystery. Golden rule: no official photos, no interviews either (Liberation seems he sweated blood and water to get this ), a myspace enough without interest, no formal implementation until then, or even single or EP, only a few songs available for free by the Red Devils themselves here. In short, the question mark total. Revolutionary, mystical, spiritual, are the three words that come to describe the band and its music, a fortiori.
Two more reasons to be dying to see this band on stage: they love is nicknamed themselves the Tu-Wang Gang (irresistible), and one of their songs titled All The Silly Cats Keep Talking, Spitting Flowers Spitting Blood - (if you are not Anglophiles, use google t).
Dec. 9 / / Exhibition Grounds / / Hall 3 / / 10:35 p.m.
The most natural, when one reads the name of Egyptian Hip Hop, it is tempting to imagine that the group made in the report, therefore, with some Eastern sounds that would justify the borrowing country name of Cleopatra. And as all this would obviously be an answer too well established to question "how did you choose the name of your band?" , it is not. Egyptian Hip Hop is a few keyboard notes very 1980s, a bass line to dance François Fillon's announcement of 3.5 million protesters against his reform, and unfortunately it is also a voice guy I like to call "bitch", that is to say horribly cloying, so terribly annoying, with similarities to Luke Pritchard's cut with a knife. But if one sets aside the last point is pretty good.
December 11 / / Exhibition Grounds / / Hall 9 / / 4:15
far, the selection Stage Invasion lacked its north. Whatever best to remedy the duo Renaissance Man? Appeared on the Electro scene in late 2009, the Finns have since ceased to about them, and rather well. Everyone pulls them: Made To Play (Jesse Rose's label) Sound Pellegrino (the digital label founded by Teki Latex) or Kitsuné. It was therefore quite natural that they end up in the great hall TransMusicales for the closing night, which gives pride to electronica.
December 10 / / Exhibition Grounds / / Hall 4 / / 11:40 p.m.
Salem (nothing to do with the Israeli metal band of the same name) is a group very difficult to put into a genre. Real witches, three Americans have managed to create a style midway between electronica and shoegaze (yes, it is now possible), with a voice sometimes rap, sometimes metal. I feel you're lost, it's normal. The result is relatively novel, sometimes a little confusing. But it still promises a concert not quite mystical and mythical why, in Hall 4 Expo Park.
December 11 / / Exhibition Grounds / / Hall 9 / / 1:45
For several years now that the friend A-Trak, Alain Macklovitch his real name, we danced in the evening, thanks to his remix of enough foufou Heads Will Roll the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Hustler Simian Mobile Disco, Sébastien Tellier Kilometer, or Get Em High Kanye West to name a few.
But A-Trak is also behind the combo Duck Sauce (made with his friend Armand Van Helden), and we can see that in addition to causing the death of our feet at the end of each contact with a dance floor, our Quebecois of humor:
Yeah, we would almost forget the Olympic side of the story: A-Trak has been world champion DMC (Disco Mix Club) to only 15 in 1997. World Record!
_ TransMusicales 2010: Selection Stage Invasion (part 1)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Lotion Like Cervical Mucus After Ovulation
During the Provincial Assembly of France Centre (18 and 19 September), delegates of the community "Come and See" arrived from Bourges with a big package! It contained a large drawing by members of the community, two booklets and many letters I think almost everyone had written. The reason for this? It was to seek recognition from the community that was previously on probation.
Guess with drawing and some samples of these letters that 'would you have done instead of the provincial team?
The person affected by disability motivates me to apply for membership at Faith and Light. It is LOVE. It is also to know that 'across the world other friends walk with us, and sometimes with physical problems than we can imagine .... A Faith and Light, even if sometimes the boat can pitch, a big ray of sunshine with us, and Christ Light. Thank you Lord, for having blown the spirit of daring.
For me, Faith and Light is a movement where the difference does not exist .... I almost gave up, but finally I realized that I was attached. It is a living place where everyone is accepted as that it is a place for sharing of suffering and joys, a place where we pray together, we're partying.
Why I want to belong to the group Faith and Light: when Joris -called "Faith and Light, we are always well received, everyone asks us about our new, nobody laughs," when Mark says "Faith and Light, we always enjoy the feast for everybody is happy to be" ... For all these reasons, I can not let "fall" Faith and Light ... And what a joy to distribute a little happiness around me, a way to live the message of Christ. With my weaknesses and imperfections, my moments fatigue and discouragement, but in the joy of moving towards the 40 years of Faith and Light. I want to continue the adventure for Francis, Jessie , Joris, Mark, Mary, Lucy, Francis, Annick , Anne-France .... And for all the others who will join us.
Faith and Light takes us into a large family regionally, nationally and internationally. We really feel this communion and communication. We really want to bring vitality to this movement.
warm welcome with respect to everyone without distinction, to find joy and brightness of the celebrations and opened my eyes a world in which I dreamed. The event of Jesus' disciples, who come close to the smallest and announce to the world a God of love and mercy.
As long ago that ' Elvis did not attend a meeting, he asked: "When is it that we are going to party?", Which is an event for He is misguided in time and space, and has a memory which is often lacking!
We try to come to Family Faith and Light with our four boys between 15 and 3 years, and each has various motivations
- One likes to play with other children and share a snack or meal
- The other wants by his presence give joy to people in difficulty
- The third is important to show people with disabilities and their families that we are with them ...
I am 88 years old, I discovered this group Faith and Light there are 7 ... years. To thank the Lord that he had no disability in my offspring, I decided to join Faith and Light, as my health allowed me to help. I found a very friendly group and lots of imagination to help and entertain people with disabilities.
Faith and Light is very important to me. I find this association in a large family, the family of Christ. I am greeted me and my disabled child, always with open arms, even if, because of my separation, I can not come all the time. I always feel that I did that left the day before, never a word of reproach. The arms always open with joy to meet, it's like mom Marie handed me her open arms always full of tenderness. This support, this listening, this comfort and Love with a capital A, I've met that 'here and now, Faith and Light, thank God, I found a family with their disability no longer exists. Thank you, the look has changed.
I think you've guessed the answer that was given to this great application! And it was a joy for me to announce to the community, the Assembly Provincial that it was now a recognized community, I took some random letters to read and Providence made me choose the last letter quoted above, the one I found most touching and The most moving!
An application for recognition of a community is not an administrative formality, it is a cry from the heart that must be done in the joy of joining the family of Faith and Light communities, as has been written. So that the community "Come and see" serve as a model for many others!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Pinewood Starwarz Car
In these times of social struggle fierce, blockages of refineries, FACS, prefectures and highways, parades of millions of people in the streets, fighting thugs / CRS, and acute deafness of the government, this is an opportunity to look back in music of the ongoing challenge of pension reform.

The Senate began to consider the draft pension reform submitted by the government, proposing to postpone the legal retirement age to retirement from 60 to 62 years and to increase the contribution period at the full rate of 40 to 42 years. What the French answer:
Cee-Lo Green - FUCK YOU
Employees refineries begin to block them, people rush to petrol pumps armed jerricans and gas cans waiting to be filled, and logically, the stations began to show sold out. The mess starts.
The Death - PEAK OIL
Despite tensions ambient and 70% of the population supporting the protests and the strikers, Fillon, Woerth and company intend to stand firm and not abandon the reform.
"Nobody has the right to take hostage an entire country." - Francois Fillon, 19 October
Reappearance of a term much in vogue when it comes to designate "victims" of strikes in transport: the concept of "hostage". Term to discuss with Hervé Ghesquière and Stéphane Taponier .
The high school and college students are entering (noticed) in the dispute. The movement is growing and young swell the ranks of the demonstrations. The entries in schools and sacks are blocked, to the delight of some, the despair of others.
The Undertones - Teenage Kicks
logical follow to successful events: the rioters are added to the procession, rather then at the end of the parade, just to play Brick Breaker with CRS.
version thugs
CRS version
The alcohol content of newspapers around the world now on a new period of unrest way in November 2005, now on a new French revolution. Whatever the cliché of the French lazy resurfaced. Whatever, the country of human rights claims its achievements.
THE CLASH - Know Your Rights
The future of the movement? Well, maybe this ...
Or this.
If we do not yet know how it all will end, the President reassures us to one point.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Hydrocodinepill Strengths
Sometimes that a provincial legislature meets only a year after the previous . This is what happened in the province Poland Central East, following the resignation of the coordinator elected in May 2009. Given the geographical size of the province, this solution was preferred to the appointment of a coordinator by the Acting Vice-coordinator International.
The communities have been found from October 15 to 17 to Kanie Helenowskie near Warsaw in a center for Faith and Light in Poland has a special meaning. It was here that Father Thomas Philip had preached retreats, and this is that have held many important meetings, including the meeting of 2009. The conference theme was: "The community, instead of joy and forgiveness."
I was greeted at the airport by four people: Asia and her mother, Helena and Beata that would be my interpreter during the weekend.
We started the first evening with Joanna Kokzot who explained how the carpenter's tools can give harmony and joy of working together when it comes to creating a common work: we were all that a plane which a hammer, a saw and all that we despise our neighbor, sure to be the best tools! And the cradle that we did (virtually ...) was very nice and we were proud of this achievement together.
The next morning, there was a talk time of Father Pawel Chaplain Provincial theme of the meeting and then I went on to speak of anniversary of Faith and Light and Pilgrim: I explained how to properly prepare, how to live well past the days together and how to continue living the impetus for these birthday parties.
The afternoon was devoted to the time of discernment and vote. There was no need to rework the priorities of the province, those defined in 2009 remain valid. The nominating committee presented Renata Nader, the only person who accepted be presented for election; others have called to express themselves and say why they could not accept the request made to them. Renata was elected and this election was celebrated with joy.
I gave Renata a rose, asking communities to take care of Renata as she was caring for his rose.
The next day, after a walk under a bright sun (but with a temperature of the season ...), the Eucharist was celebrated and it was sent. My return flight was at night, so I was able to walk with and Renata Beata in central Warsaw and admire the old town and its beautiful churches.
I was pleased to participate in the provincial assembly, I could see the joy and enthusiasm of those present, I appreciated the maturity with which the Assembly welcomed the presentation of the work of the committee appointment, I enjoyed talking with Basia , former provincial coordinator, returning from a Last year in Zambia mission at the Salesian Sisters (with beautiful photos of a beautiful country!), but I regretted that nearly half the community is not coming and I appreciate the work done by the provincial team to restore momentum and enthusiasm in this province. Thank you to Renata, a young Coordinator (30 years) have accepted this mission and a big thank you to Beata for insured throughout the weekend translations from Polish into French and French to Polish!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Peliculas Free Enespañol Online
It pushes the defects further away, now it has even invaded the bar and lift your beer, just to piss off. But hey, we did it anyway for good reasons, and this weekend proves it.
First Thursday evening, with DONNERSTAG STI POP!? # 2 in the Melody Maker, where it pushes the wafer

This Thursday we celebrate the Factory Records with a selection composed entirely of artists signed to the label. For those who arrive, it is called among other New Order, Joy Division, the Happy Mondays and so on. Only banned, do not make fun of our video editing that may be really crappy.

We have already had occasion to talk about Honest Magazine and although we will still add a layer. Friday night at the Sambre, we will worthily celebrate the arrival of No. 3 which is, believe me, full of pretty girls. Please note, I'm not saying this because I know them.
And if, as we know, band shit, the only thing that motivates you is to booze, you are offered a glass of punch royally for a magazine purchased. Yeah it's been super stingy, but at the same time it sucks not to the local butcher that we file 10 balls. Moreover, there is so broke that it was two guys in a little weird that we will come and take care of the music. I want to sell the stuff but really worth the trip.
We would have done something Saturday night too, but there is a boom birthday.
Thursday, October 21
Melody Maker, 22h/00h
Friday, October 22
Launch Party: Honest Magazine No. 3
The Sambre 19h/23h
Live VF (French version)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Bumps Under Skin Inner Lips
I am very pleased to announce that a new community started last Saturday, October 16 at Dapaong, in northern Togo.
It was some time that the Father Joan Soler, who is a missionary over there asked for documentation to be able to start a community. He knew Faith and Light in Spain, Girona (north of Barcelona) and has participated in a pilgrimage to Lourdes where he was very touched by the testimony of Jean Vanier.
He said last February: " I'm familiar with all the people with a mental disability of the new parish that we are creating, and God thank you, next year we will start a band with the inspiration of Faith and Light. If it worked, then we will ask you to belong to the movement, but we must go slowly, because, as you say in French: Little by little the bird builds its nest . And I found here, many small birds, all these little "special", with which we start a family. "
And then last week I received news! Community will start October 16!
"if God like, this coming Saturday 16 October, will begin the task of Faith and Light Dapaong Togo. There are 9 people with their families, friends and others, and I think it's time to finally start. That is to say, pray a lot because the movement becomes, really, a light for these "small" Dapaong, and he enriched the faith of all. "
And here is the first account today Review: Dear Ghislain, now the group has begun. We were 5 people with disabilities, their parents, and friends, I was really happy because I did not expect they would come. They were presented movement, we read the Gospel, we prayed and we shared something to eat. Now, parents who came were really happy and they said they will encourage other . I am sending two photos, one of the whole group, and the other young people who have prepared a small theater to represent the symbol of Faith and Light. "
It's always very moving read these little stories and I encourage you to be in prayer this small community. I'll give you more news when I have.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Hospitalized Impetigo
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Gay Cruising In Jacksonville Fl
Faith and Light urges all communities to have a twinning link with a religious community . This twinning is to give news, to entrust the intentions of prayer and to visit regularly to this community for a meeting time and friendship. I pretend to think that these friendships are good for everyone: communities Faith and Light, of course, but also to religious communities.
So when I get information about that 4 communities in France - Ark of Hope (Sens), Emmanuel "God with us" (Auxerre), The Sun Cross (Cosne sur Loire) and St. Bernadette (Nevers) - have established this link with the Abbey Stone that turns, I jumped for joy and am sharing this story to encourage you to do the same. The main intention to give religious communities is friends to pray that our celebration of 40 years of Faith and Light are a time of celebration, of course, but also a time to call mission of creating new communities! Faith and Light is not well known and there are still many families in a nearby community who would do much good ... So please, put this on top of the priority list!
And thank you to Gilles and Yvonne Delaunet who wrote this beautiful testimony.
At the invitation of Marie-Hélène Mathieu, founder of the movement, we are asking for the Faith and Light communities under the protection of a contemplative order, we found, members managers and teams coordination of four communities of the Yonne and Nièvre for a weekend at the Abbey Stone Who Vire.
Monsignor Paul BERTRAND, chaplain of the community of Auxerre, Emmanuel "God with us", we made a remarkable servant teaching about Jesus, from the texts of the Gospel of Luke and the epistles of St. Paul, we inviting us to serve smaller, the favorite of the Lord.
Brother Ambrose, a monk delegated by the Abbot for our movement, came to share with us a good time of the afternoon on Saturday. The evening with him, my lord Bertrand, and Guy Morvan, Deacon of Saint Bernadette of Nevers community, we had a vigil at the Bethany Chapel in response to the invitation of the Lord washing our feet of each other. Some young people with a disability, were present, giving special meaning to this sacramental, Discount Jean VANIER, co-founder of the movement.
Sunday Eucharist and after the lunch meeting with the abbot. That evening we stayed for a few convivial time with all the monks. Sharing what they live, what we live within our communities. They were curious and very attentive.
During the weekend over the coaching of our communanutés was sent to Marie-Madeleine LORAIN, current head of the community of Cosne sur Loire.
To meet the project's missionary diocese we are anxious to get in touch with the pastoral team, (EAP) of our department to let us know and invite them to relay to parents with a child (or small adult) carrying a mental disability.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
How Do U Open A Straightener

Everyone knows TransMusicales specificity lies in the fact that all programming is usually based on the discovery. If few dare such a bet (schedule unknown is necessarily less profitable than the bands and artists already familiar to the public), the Trans nevertheless knew, for 32 years, emerging as a major festival and truly worship. Indeed, few can boast of having played (and in most cases, discover): Nirvana, Daft Punk, Ben Harper, Massive Attack, Sonic Youth, Beck, Bo Diddley, The Offspring, Portishead , Black Desire, Richard Hell, Public Enemy, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, The Prodigy, and more recently Kasabian, Hot Chip, Justice, Klaxons, Calvin Harris, or Metronomy. And then as programmers do not like everyone else, they decided to organize concerts in the season of the year is less conducive to a festival of winter.
At two months of holding the event, it is time to begin to delve into the lineup and in surveying hard to myspace. Here is the first part of the list of artists who have captivated our ears.
Janelle Monae
December 10 / / Exhibition Grounds / / Hall 9 / / 23h
Janelle Monáe is a young woman who knows surround. Evidenced Song Tightrope, "featuring Big Boi , rapper / producer of engineering and half of Outkast incidentally, no less. Revelation of this early summer with his album The ArchAndroid (who deserves the prize for worst cover of the year, but nevermind), Janelle Monáe starts to talk about it, especially in France, and we understand why. Not unlike the English VV Brown by his extravagant hair (which was also present last year to TransMusicales before the buzz), it's a safe bet that it does not take long to hear the songs Cold War , Locked Inside and other Faster after, or perhaps even before the Trans, on French airwaves. And his famous dance steps could overshadow the moonwalk ...
December 11 / / Exhibition Grounds / / Hall 3 / / 9:30 p.m.
For the little story, before forming Crocodiles, Brandon Welcher and Charles Rowell officiating in ... the Dum Dum Girls . Suffice to say that both boys have done well to take their clicks and clacs because they have testosterone to spare. Halfway between the noise psychedelic Crystal Stilts and surf pop Wavves (and the guitars of Kevin Shields and his band are not far either), the Californian, who just released their second album, combos are one of rock's most interesting West Coast today. Also note that the producer behind their latest album, Sleep Forever , is nothing but a giant of the genre, I have appointed James Ford, aka Mr. Simian Mobile Disco . When we know that any what key James Ford turns to gold, there is not much hesitation to have about the quality and interest of Crocodiles give concert in Rennes.
December 11 / / Exhibition Grounds / / Hall 4 / / 2:30
Straight landed the galaxy Warp Gonjasufi is a little alien in the year. This former yoga teacher turned-music is none other than protected Flying Lotus and The Gaslamp Killer (he also TransMusicales on December 11, serendipity). Gonjasufi ("ganja - Sufi") released their first album A Sufi And A Killer early 2010, whose inspiration came from long journeys in the desert, like Captain Beefheart in his time. And we want to believe in his epic desert when we listen to the result. Indescribable is probably the most suitable word to describe the music of the American footprint as much as she hip-hop and even soul, psychedelic rock that, what he should add a touch of electronica, not to mention influence obvious world music. In short, the best way to get an idea is still to see the shaman on stage.
December 10 / / Exhibition Grounds / / Hall 3 / / 0:25
If you've never heard of Tropical Is there a safe bet that things change very soon. These English just signed a first album on the Parisian label Kitsuné, and will be on the poster the tour at the Zenith in Paris Inrocks with LCD Soundsystem, Jamaica and The Bewitched Hands On The Top Of Our Hands. Well, they did not invent the hot water, obviously, but their electronic pop with accents will make more of a dance in hall 3 of glacial fairgrounds.
December 10 / / Exhibition Grounds / / Hall 9 / / 0:50
there really need to remember who is MIA ? It's a safe bet that no, especially since the runaway success of Millionaire Slumdog and its soundtrack at the same time, with Paper Planes from the Anglo-Sri Lankan gondola, and soon "all I want to do is - bang bang bang bang the corner of everyone's lips. MIA's music is based on three simple things: quality samples ( Straight To Hell Clash for Paper Planes , Ghost Rider Suicide for XXXO ), texts involved politically and socially, and friends producers such as engineering Timbaland, Diplo , Blaqstarr or Switch . Given the caliber of his latest album, not to mention it in concert not to be missed would be a mistake.
The following groups should not miss, soon.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Can You Stack A Toaster Oven On A Microwave
What S A Dot On A Pregancy Test Mean?
From September 12 to 15, delegations from communities in the province" Colours of Asia (Malaysia, Singapore and Phi pines) were found in Cavite, near Manila for their Provincial Assembly. The theme of this meeting was "Responding to the call of the Shepherd." I much regretted not being with them during these three days ... Elaine was there to lead this important time for the province and she sent me this record that I am sharing here (I also took into account information from Macel, a vice-coordinator of the province):
The meeting began Sunday, September 12 late afternoon by a Eucharistic celebration Presid ed by Cardinal Archbishop of Manila Gaudencio Rosales and Father Augustine Rolly, chaplain of the community "Forget me not" in the Philippines, and moderated by Filipino. The dinner was followed by a celebration of the reunion: home of old and new friends, exchange and sharing news and stories.
It was good to see so many parents with disabled children to attend the meeting, Malaysia was well represented with nine people who made the trip to Manila. For many, this was the first time they were flying! Singapore was also well represented including Mabel and Max, two people with disabilities, who brought joy, color and "fun" to the Provincial Assembly, Max, in particular, did not stop dancing, sharing his talents with other delegates and he did not stay a minute without talking!
The next morning, after the reception, Mabel presented at the meeting objectives of the meeting.
The days of the meeting should be devoted to the preparation and vote for the election of a provincial coordinator and the provincial team. It began with the introduction to the process of discernment, made by Deputy International Coordinator, Elaine, followed by time for questions and discussion. In parallel, a workshop on discernment was held for people with mental disabilities who were present at the meeting, the workshop was hosted by Tintin Suguitan, (a friend, special education, the community "Rose" Pasig) Valerie and Macel. There was much discussion on this process of discernment and also on what should happen in the afternoon when it would announce the names of persons nominated for election. In the afternoon, delegates had the opportunity to meet with the appointees. Elaine had given some guidelines on how this should happen, so everyone can feel at ease. This time
exchanges with delegates was very lively and went well.
Valerie Jacques was the only person whose name has remained for the role of coordinator Provincial. Mabel Vicaldo another person called to this role had withdrawn his name yesterday. She had the opportunity to explain his reasons to the Assembly.
Later in the afternoon, people with disabilities were able to present the results of their morning workshop on choosing a coordinator.
The next day began with a time of reflection and discernment on the province's priorities for the next four years. There was good participation and priorities have been noted for the new provincial team worked there for the duration of his mandate.
Valerie was elected Provincial Coordinator and yes to the call was received with great joy!
The five vice-provincial coordinators were also elected by the Assembly: Luisa Malaysia, Singapore Alaric, Anne, Randy Macel and the Philippines. There are three new and two were part of the previous team with Mabel. This gives a good balance to the team: they are all looking forward to working together for the smooth running of the province. The time of thanksgiving for the new provincial team began with a Eucharistic celebration with Santa Roly. Valerie and his team were then sent on a mission and blessed by Father Roly and the whole assembly to a good start in their new mandate. A highlight of this two-day meeting took place after dinner when everyone ended up in the meeting room to socialize, dance and play together.
The joy and laughter caused by all these activities have done much to ease our minds before we headed to our rooms and our bed.
prayers morning and evening have been carefully prepared to echo the theme of each day. These moments of silence, reflection and prayer were both nutritious and pacifiers to renew our minds and remind us of the constant presence of God's love in our lives.
the last day, the festival saw the participation of many community members F & L Manila. Mabel and the previous provincial team were featured in a video showing highlights of their work with F & communities in the Philippines. The Assembly expressed its thanks and gratitude to Mabel and her team for all the time and energy they gave to all communities in recent years. Valerie, the new provincial coordinator and the new provincial team were presented and confirmed in their roles with great enthusiasm and joy. Our celebration ended with a song, a prayer and a blessing.
photos of the Assembly there , here and there