Sometimes that a provincial legislature meets only a year after the previous . This is what happened in the province Poland Central East, following the resignation of the coordinator elected in May 2009. Given the geographical size of the province, this solution was preferred to the appointment of a coordinator by the Acting Vice-coordinator International.
The communities have been found from October 15 to 17 to Kanie Helenowskie near Warsaw in a center for Faith and Light in Poland has a special meaning. It was here that Father Thomas Philip had preached retreats, and this is that have held many important meetings, including the meeting of 2009. The conference theme was: "The community, instead of joy and forgiveness."
I was greeted at the airport by four people: Asia and her mother, Helena and Beata that would be my interpreter during the weekend.
We started the first evening with Joanna Kokzot who explained how the carpenter's tools can give harmony and joy of working together when it comes to creating a common work: we were all that a plane which a hammer, a saw and all that we despise our neighbor, sure to be the best tools! And the cradle that we did (virtually ...) was very nice and we were proud of this achievement together.
The next morning, there was a talk time of Father Pawel Chaplain Provincial theme of the meeting and then I went on to speak of anniversary of Faith and Light and Pilgrim: I explained how to properly prepare, how to live well past the days together and how to continue living the impetus for these birthday parties.
The afternoon was devoted to the time of discernment and vote. There was no need to rework the priorities of the province, those defined in 2009 remain valid. The nominating committee presented Renata Nader, the only person who accepted be presented for election; others have called to express themselves and say why they could not accept the request made to them. Renata was elected and this election was celebrated with joy.
I gave Renata a rose, asking communities to take care of Renata as she was caring for his rose.
The next day, after a walk under a bright sun (but with a temperature of the season ...), the Eucharist was celebrated and it was sent. My return flight was at night, so I was able to walk with and Renata Beata in central Warsaw and admire the old town and its beautiful churches.
I was pleased to participate in the provincial assembly, I could see the joy and enthusiasm of those present, I appreciated the maturity with which the Assembly welcomed the presentation of the work of the committee appointment, I enjoyed talking with Basia , former provincial coordinator, returning from a Last year in Zambia mission at the Salesian Sisters (with beautiful photos of a beautiful country!), but I regretted that nearly half the community is not coming and I appreciate the work done by the provincial team to restore momentum and enthusiasm in this province. Thank you to Renata, a young Coordinator (30 years) have accepted this mission and a big thank you to Beata for insured throughout the weekend translations from Polish into French and French to Polish!
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