I am very pleased to announce that a new community started last Saturday, October 16 at Dapaong, in northern Togo.
It was some time that the Father Joan Soler, who is a missionary over there asked for documentation to be able to start a community. He knew Faith and Light in Spain, Girona (north of Barcelona) and has participated in a pilgrimage to Lourdes where he was very touched by the testimony of Jean Vanier.
He said last February: " I'm familiar with all the people with a mental disability of the new parish that we are creating, and God thank you, next year we will start a band with the inspiration of Faith and Light. If it worked, then we will ask you to belong to the movement, but we must go slowly, because, as you say in French: Little by little the bird builds its nest . And I found here, many small birds, all these little "special", with which we start a family. "
And then last week I received news! Community will start October 16!
"if God like, this coming Saturday 16 October, will begin the task of Faith and Light Dapaong Togo. There are 9 people with their families, friends and others, and I think it's time to finally start. That is to say, pray a lot because the movement becomes, really, a light for these "small" Dapaong, and he enriched the faith of all. "
And here is the first account today Review: Dear Ghislain, now the group has begun. We were 5 people with disabilities, their parents, and friends, I was really happy because I did not expect they would come. They were presented movement, we read the Gospel, we prayed and we shared something to eat. Now, parents who came were really happy and they said they will encourage other . I am sending two photos, one of the whole group, and the other young people who have prepared a small theater to represent the symbol of Faith and Light. "
It's always very moving read these little stories and I encourage you to be in prayer this small community. I'll give you more news when I have.
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