Faith and Light urges all communities to have a twinning link with a religious community . This twinning is to give news, to entrust the intentions of prayer and to visit regularly to this community for a meeting time and friendship. I pretend to think that these friendships are good for everyone: communities Faith and Light, of course, but also to religious communities.
So when I get information about that 4 communities in France - Ark of Hope (Sens), Emmanuel "God with us" (Auxerre), The Sun Cross (Cosne sur Loire) and St. Bernadette (Nevers) - have established this link with the Abbey Stone that turns, I jumped for joy and am sharing this story to encourage you to do the same. The main intention to give religious communities is friends to pray that our celebration of 40 years of Faith and Light are a time of celebration, of course, but also a time to call mission of creating new communities! Faith and Light is not well known and there are still many families in a nearby community who would do much good ... So please, put this on top of the priority list!
And thank you to Gilles and Yvonne Delaunet who wrote this beautiful testimony.
At the invitation of Marie-Hélène Mathieu, founder of the movement, we are asking for the Faith and Light communities under the protection of a contemplative order, we found, members managers and teams coordination of four communities of the Yonne and Nièvre for a weekend at the Abbey Stone Who Vire.
Monsignor Paul BERTRAND, chaplain of the community of Auxerre, Emmanuel "God with us", we made a remarkable servant teaching about Jesus, from the texts of the Gospel of Luke and the epistles of St. Paul, we inviting us to serve smaller, the favorite of the Lord.
Brother Ambrose, a monk delegated by the Abbot for our movement, came to share with us a good time of the afternoon on Saturday. The evening with him, my lord Bertrand, and Guy Morvan, Deacon of Saint Bernadette of Nevers community, we had a vigil at the Bethany Chapel in response to the invitation of the Lord washing our feet of each other. Some young people with a disability, were present, giving special meaning to this sacramental, Discount Jean VANIER, co-founder of the movement.
Sunday Eucharist and after the lunch meeting with the abbot. That evening we stayed for a few convivial time with all the monks. Sharing what they live, what we live within our communities. They were curious and very attentive.
During the weekend over the coaching of our communanutés was sent to Marie-Madeleine LORAIN, current head of the community of Cosne sur Loire.
To meet the project's missionary diocese we are anxious to get in touch with the pastoral team, (EAP) of our department to let us know and invite them to relay to parents with a child (or small adult) carrying a mental disability.
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