From September 12 to 15, delegations from communities in the province" Colours of Asia (Malaysia, Singapore and Phi pines) were found in Cavite, near Manila for their Provincial Assembly. The theme of this meeting was "Responding to the call of the Shepherd." I much regretted not being with them during these three days ... Elaine was there to lead this important time for the province and she sent me this record that I am sharing here (I also took into account information from Macel, a vice-coordinator of the province):
The meeting began Sunday, September 12 late afternoon by a Eucharistic celebration Presid ed by Cardinal Archbishop of Manila Gaudencio Rosales and Father Augustine Rolly, chaplain of the community "Forget me not" in the Philippines, and moderated by Filipino. The dinner was followed by a celebration of the reunion: home of old and new friends, exchange and sharing news and stories.
It was good to see so many parents with disabled children to attend the meeting, Malaysia was well represented with nine people who made the trip to Manila. For many, this was the first time they were flying! Singapore was also well represented including Mabel and Max, two people with disabilities, who brought joy, color and "fun" to the Provincial Assembly, Max, in particular, did not stop dancing, sharing his talents with other delegates and he did not stay a minute without talking!
The next morning, after the reception, Mabel presented at the meeting objectives of the meeting.
The days of the meeting should be devoted to the preparation and vote for the election of a provincial coordinator and the provincial team. It began with the introduction to the process of discernment, made by Deputy International Coordinator, Elaine, followed by time for questions and discussion. In parallel, a workshop on discernment was held for people with mental disabilities who were present at the meeting, the workshop was hosted by Tintin Suguitan, (a friend, special education, the community "Rose" Pasig) Valerie and Macel. There was much discussion on this process of discernment and also on what should happen in the afternoon when it would announce the names of persons nominated for election. In the afternoon, delegates had the opportunity to meet with the appointees. Elaine had given some guidelines on how this should happen, so everyone can feel at ease. This time
exchanges with delegates was very lively and went well.
Valerie Jacques was the only person whose name has remained for the role of coordinator Provincial. Mabel Vicaldo another person called to this role had withdrawn his name yesterday. She had the opportunity to explain his reasons to the Assembly.
Later in the afternoon, people with disabilities were able to present the results of their morning workshop on choosing a coordinator.
The next day began with a time of reflection and discernment on the province's priorities for the next four years. There was good participation and priorities have been noted for the new provincial team worked there for the duration of his mandate.
Valerie was elected Provincial Coordinator and yes to the call was received with great joy!
The five vice-provincial coordinators were also elected by the Assembly: Luisa Malaysia, Singapore Alaric, Anne, Randy Macel and the Philippines. There are three new and two were part of the previous team with Mabel. This gives a good balance to the team: they are all looking forward to working together for the smooth running of the province. The time of thanksgiving for the new provincial team began with a Eucharistic celebration with Santa Roly. Valerie and his team were then sent on a mission and blessed by Father Roly and the whole assembly to a good start in their new mandate. A highlight of this two-day meeting took place after dinner when everyone ended up in the meeting room to socialize, dance and play together.
The joy and laughter caused by all these activities have done much to ease our minds before we headed to our rooms and our bed.
prayers morning and evening have been carefully prepared to echo the theme of each day. These moments of silence, reflection and prayer were both nutritious and pacifiers to renew our minds and remind us of the constant presence of God's love in our lives.
the last day, the festival saw the participation of many community members F & L Manila. Mabel and the previous provincial team were featured in a video showing highlights of their work with F & communities in the Philippines. The Assembly expressed its thanks and gratitude to Mabel and her team for all the time and energy they gave to all communities in recent years. Valerie, the new provincial coordinator and the new provincial team were presented and confirmed in their roles with great enthusiasm and joy. Our celebration ended with a song, a prayer and a blessing.
photos of the Assembly there , here and there
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